A Healthy Menu
Students discuss the dietary requirements of an adolescent. Play food group bingo.
Select from the following Heath and Wellbeing activities that explore health, fitness, human movement, nutrition, fitness, personal development and identity.
Students discuss the dietary requirements of an adolescent. Play food group bingo.
Students discuss De Bono’s Six Action Shoes and use this information to support the development of a shoe advertisement.
Students play two games that test agility, flexibility and balance.
Students discuss safe dance practice and generate a dance injury report.
Students discuss the kinds of occupations that focus on feet. They create a script, written/spoken from the foot’s point of view as it spends a day dancing in pointe shoes.
Students recreate the staged fight between Abigail and Sammy with particular attention to body language.
Students discuss intimidating behaviours, practice positive self talk.
Students examine the ways in which behaviours sometimes contradict values.
Students discuss a stressful situation, create a slogan, vote for slogan, create a campaign, pitch the campaign to a panel of experts.
Students discuss the signs of an eating disorder and either write a letter to a friend with body image issues or hold a debate.
Students discuss fad diets and develop a fad diet report.
Students discuss the giving and receiving of notes for improvement of group and individual performances, learn a dance and practice giving each other notes.
Students consider causes for physical collapse, discuss emergency responses.
Students create a floor phrase where they do not use their hands or stand on their feet.
Students create a feel good dance. Reflect on their feelings before and after.
Students learn about our bodies need for water and calculate the amount of water needed by people according to weight.
Students learn about soft tissue injuries and fractures, create an injury report.
Students create pros and cons list for a particular course of action. Write letter explaining choice, using argumentative format.
Students consider leisure activities – shared and different using a Venn diagram.
Students discuss perfectionist traits, self talk for perfectionists and positive self talk alternatives.
Students identify the symptoms for this kind of stress; learn what causes it and how to manage anxiety related to performing.
Students carry out the Ausdance Fitness Test focusing on strengths and weaknesses then devleop their own fitness plan.
Students discuss one character’s results failure and write an internal dialogue for her.
Exploring what friendly rivalry means, students perform and dance battle in a hip hop style.
Students learn what constitutes a safe dance space and carry out a check.
Students create a script for one scene.
Students create a dance about bullying, perform and direct each other.
Students learn about the brain’s need for glucose and conduct a sugar taste test.
Students learn about range of motion in the foot and ankle and explore personal range of motion.
Students discuss the ideals of the perfect couple, the pressures this puts on young people, consider their own ideals and write an ad for a dating agency.
Practical activity where pairs of students perform activities as one person, taking into account the other’s point of view.
Through role play students learn the effectiveness of four forms of feedback.
Students discuss perfection in Western Culture and create a collage of the perfect person.