Students learn about camera angles and trial them using phone cameras and other media equipment.
Students learn about camera angles and trial them using phone cameras and other media equipment.
Students create a cygnet dance in the style of line dancing. Rate selves using activity sheet.
Students learn about dance for people of all abilities, watch some clips of companies that specialise in this field and discuss movements seen.
Students learn about dynamics and apply these to a learnt phrase.
Students engage in two structured improvisations and create a short phrase based on effort actions.
Students perform activities from the Ausdance Fitness Test then devise their own speed test.
Students play two games that explore differences in effort levels when applying force and flow in dance.
Students create their own Haka.
Students create a feel good dance. Reflect on their feelings before and after.
Students attempt to expand their solo ideas through improvisation techniques.
Students create a jumping phrase and consider musical implications for different jump speeds.
Students learn about safe dance practice in relation to jumps.
As a whole the class learns a sequence from Kat’s routine. They then create variations of this dance sequence.
Students develop a lighting plan and then attempt to realise it via low tech lighting found in and around the school.
Students learn some movements from the clip, arrange these in an order that they prefer and perform the dance to a range of musical scores.
Students research an Australian modern dance pioneer and construct a timeline of key works.
Students look at roles on set and create a “postcard” of a set and bring it to life for 15 seconds.
Students improvise with the basic salsa steps.
Body shape is explored through improvisation of shapes – call and response method with reflective activity.
Students choreograph pathways in space using their initials as impetus.
Students select movement from three different sports and create a dance.
Students warm up and learn a dance from the Dance Academy website tutorials.
Students learn about the history of hip hop and based on freezes and poses create a simple hip hop phrase.
Students learn some of the basic skills needed for successful turns.
Students review a variety of turns and construct a visual collage of turns.
Students try a few rock’n’roll moves and create a photo wall of fame.
Students experience a range of activities and create a dance to be performed in unison. Feedback by peer review.